
Whether image or sound, analog or digital, historical or cutting-edge, we take care of your material with dedication.

As a broad-based media service provider, we master the balancing act between the typical steps of post-production. Ask us about the following services, individually, combined, or complete.

Film scaning

Many film treasures are only available on volatile celluloid. Digitizing and restoring these treasures in high-fidelity, making them accessible to the general public, and preserving them for posterity is part of our task as a technical service provider.

Your gateway to the platforms! We prepare your master material in any form for its final distribution, for DVD, Blu-ray or Ultra HD Blu-ray releases, or for distribution to cinemas or all streaming platforms.

Mastering /
Broadcast Material

We create DDP or BDCMF images for you with all the usual optional or mandatory copy protection and deliver your material to you on DVD-R, BD-R, hard disk, via file transfer, or as a DCP.

As a central element of restoration and digitization, colour correction is one of our core competencies. But we also give new productions their very own look. Whether series or feature films for distribution in cinemas, TV or for VoD… get creative with us!

Recording /
Sound studio

In our 375 square foot sound studio, professional voices find their creative space, their perfect sound, and a pleasant ambience.

Together with our sound engineers, we are happy to record your “voices.”

Jeder Film sollte seine eigene Welt haben, eine Logik und ein Gefühl, die über das genaue Bild hinausgehen, das das Publikum sieht - Christopher Nolan -
Ein Film ist wie Musik [...]. Er sollte eine Abfolge von Stimmungen und Gefühlen sein. Das Thema, das hinter der Emotion steckt, die Bedeutung, all das kommt später - Stanley Kubrick -
Ich mache gerne Filme, weil ich gerne in eine andere Welt eintauche. Und Film ist für mich ein magisches Medium, das einen träumen lässt - David Lynch -
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